
OPINION: It’s time to be honest about Donald Trump

In politics, personalities often overshadow policies — but it’s the policies that truly matter. While former President Donald Trump’s approach may create heartburn for some, it’s his policy record concerning Alaska families, jobs and resources that firmly cements him as the clear choice for Alaska. As an Alaskan, I recognize the paramount importance of aligning with leaders whose policies prioritize our state’s prosperity and development.

It’s this all-important connection that should drive support for Donald Trump’s candidacy for president in our state. Under Trump, we witnessed the most pro-Alaska presidency in a generation, focusing on the development of our vital natural resources — the bedrock of Alaska’s private sector economy.

Trump’s administration took significant steps in resource development, essential for our economic growth. One of the hallmark decisions was opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas lease sales. This move was more than just a longstanding Alaskan dream fulfilled; it was a bold statement of faith in Alaska’s potential and a commitment to our economic well-being. Unfortunately, this progress was halted by the Biden administration, which froze and later canceled these critical leases.

Trump approved a plan to open 6.8 million acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to drilling, bolstering our energy sector. The Biden Administration has closed more than 2.8 million acres to development and is pursuing a plan to lock up more than 13 million acres more. Biden’s actions run counter to the needs of a state like ours, where resource development is not just another economic activity but a core part of both private sector jobs and public revenue.

Trump’s exemption of the Tongass National Forest from the federal “roadless rule” was another testament to his understanding of Alaska’s unique needs. This move had the potential to reinvigorate the timber industry in Southeast Alaska, an industry that has been stifled for years. Yet, this exemption was immediately rescinded under Biden, ignoring the economic repercussions for our communities.

The difference in approaches to Alaskan development between Trump and Biden couldn’t be more pronounced. Trump’s policies demonstrated a genuine commitment to unlocking Alaska’s economic potential, while Biden’s seem to echo the sentiments of environmental groups far removed from the realities of living and working in Alaska.

Since the beginning, Rep. Mary Peltola has been in lockstep with President Joe Biden and his policies. Peltola proudly endorses Biden for a second term, and I feel it’s important for Alaska voters to have a clear alternative to the failed Biden–Peltola agenda. My vision for Alaska is one where everyone can find opportunity, where our individual freedoms aren’t under attack, and where Alaska’s rich opportunities become realities for current and future Alaskans. Trump has already shown that he’ll enact policies that help us achieve that vision.


As we evaluate candidates for the presidency, it’s imperative to understand that you can’t be for Alaska jobs and development and support Biden for president. Alaska needs a leader who understands our state’s challenges and champions our aspirations. Trump has proven to be that leader. His presidency brought significant progress for Alaska, and I am confident that under his leadership, Alaska will continue to thrive. It’s for these reasons and his clear track record of commitment to our state’s prosperity that I support Trump for president.

Nick Begich III is a Republican candidate for Alaska’s at-large seat in the U. S. Congress.

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