Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, December 28, 2016

Trump’s ‘tweeter’ needs taming

How dumb are we? We elected a man who starts nuclear speculation even before he is sworn in. If he could keep his mouth or "tweet" shut, we would not know he is this stupid.

— Bill Harbin

Dunham is reason to subscribe

Mike Dunham: Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate the diversity of your articles, and particularly enjoyed your "The Day Before The War" piece earlier this month. The historical component under the new ownership is great, and indeed one of the biggest reasons I decided to subscribe. I now get ADN delivered to my house every day!

To you and all the hardworking writers and editors at ADN — thank you.

— Jim Stearns

Fake news has always thrived

Don't know why there's the fuss over "fake news." We've had it forever. Just recently, during checkout at the grocery store, I read in the National Enquirer that a lost fighter squadron from WWII was seen after it landed on the moon. And "Cyrano de Bergerac" had a fake nose.

— Ken Flynn


Obama brags on imaginary win

Obama says he could've won the election again. And a real estate agent known as "Low Tide" Lou will sell you 5 acres of prime property on the Knik Tidal Flats too.

— Rolf L. Bilet

Church column will be missed

I am sorry to hear the regular column by Chris Thompson is being canceled. In his comments on faith and worship, Chris addressed topics vital to large segment of our Anchorage community. He did so with knowledge, sincerity and courage. His comments may not always have made everyone comfortable, but I suppose that's never been the point of journalism.

I will certainly miss his insight into the faith community of Anchorage. Will another writer take his place?

— The Rev. Marc Dunaway
Eagle River

Time to part ways with ADN

We came to Alaska in January 1976, settled down in Eagle River. We subsequently moved to Anchorage in the early 1990s, and to Palmer in 1999. Our children graduated from Chugiak High School, married, had children, but have stayed in Alaska. We have gone through many presidential campaigns, and have always supported whoever was in "power." I have served in the military and worked in federal and state law enforcement.

In those 40-plus years, we have subscribed to ADN, first the Anchorage Daily News and then Alaska Dispatch News. But the time has come to part ways with ADN. I am sick and tired of the California liberal attitude displayed in ADN articles and commentary. You do no good service to the communities in Alaska with that attitude.

Had I wanted to be subjected to those attitudes in the print media, we would have settled in Los Angeles or California's environs. So the time has come to part ways. Please cancel my subscription.

— John F. Jansen

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.