Letters to the Editor

Letter: Begich won’t win

Mark Begich clearly and emphatically rejects Mike Dunleavy's agenda. He opposes the program of the religious right. He opposes reducing services to the poor and the elderly. He opposes cuts to education. He opposes useless projects that mainly benefit the construction industry. I agree with Begich on all of that.
But, in this unfair world, a vote for Begich actually brings that nightmare closer. Like it or not, Begich is going to finish third in the governor's race. The only question is whether he is going to finish third to Bill Walker or third to Mike Dunleavy. No one should kid themselves about this one. A vote for Begich is a wasted vote.
If and when Dunleavy moves into the governor's mansion, there will be rending of garments and gnashing of teeth by Begich supporters. But they will be the ones who handed him the keys.
— Herb Berkowitz