Letters to the Editor

Letter: A few questions for voters

Now that those horrible slimy cards have stopped arriving in my mailbox, I would like to ask some voters why they would elect a governor who, in his job in the Senate, helped spend the majority of the state’s savings accounts while avoiding any possibility of finding a way to fund state government that does not depend largely on oil revenue. Remember Senate Bill 21? That bill was a big part of why Gov. Bill Walker had to borrow $1 billion to pay the oil companies while they were busy shipping 500,000 barrels per day out of state for free, because the price fell to a point where tax revenues under SB 21 were effectively nonexistent.

And now the old oil company water carriers are being hired back, including good old ex-Gov. Sean Parnell, who by the way was also one of the three state electoral college delegates in the 2016 election. Now his bud is giving him a sweetheart job.

Also the governor-elect stating that Alaska has such a small carbon footprint that we do not need a climate change commission, while we ship out a half-million barrels of oil per day for the world to burn, is total hypocrisy.

I guess you people fell for the bribe of a big Permanent Fund check to magically appear in your bank accounts. Well, you all have chosen Donald Trump’s baby brother to rule you, so I guess you’ll get exactly what you deserve.

— George Trudeau

Anchor Point

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