Letters to the Editor

Letter: Education on problem areas

Having visited Alaska villages, Attorney General Barr stated that he had been “educated” to the situation, presumably meaning that a path forward on how to take action to alleviate village problems would now be clearer. Wouldn’t it be nice if White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner would visit Gaza and West Bank villages and get equally educated on how to make a less farcical “Plan of the Century” for Palestinian/Israeli peace?

On the home front, much thanks to the courageous, dedicated people, like Lynn Mitchell of Alaska Safe Trails, and the too-many-to-name Footloose Alaskans for taking on the issues for reasonable, sensible regulations for safer, more respectful trapping regulations. It is encouraging to see progress being made, as reported in ADN.

Meanwhile, the popularity of Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s dividend issue seems to hang on whether or not people believe the state government is wasting our money rather than giving it to us — a matter of trust, perhaps, or maybe transparency?

— Ken Green

Cooper Landing

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