Letters to the Editor

Letter: Eliminate oil subsidies

We should immediately build a budget that eliminates the corporate oil subsidy. We have the opportunity to be a leader on how to create an outstanding quality of life for all of our residents, people living in poverty experiencing trauma.

Our health and human services and educational systems are key to our future success. We must use a differentiated model of education and expand our human services to include people of cultural diversity we so richly value. Our population is highly diverse, the most diverse in the nation. We must build a budget from all our financial resources and not eliminate the services for our unique cultural population.

I urge Gov. Mike Dunleavy to be a leader of social change and justice for all residents of Alaska. Our future opportunities are unparalleled; we need to be inclusive not divisive. When we work together, our quality of life has unlimited possibilities. I expect him to be a leader for all people of Alaska, as stated by Abraham Lincoln, “The legitimate object of government is to do for the people what needs to be done, but which they cannot, by individual effort, for at all, or do so well, for themselves.”

Thomas Burek


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