Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trying to keep up

Just when I think I caught up to 2020 political correctness, the rules change again.

The Second Amendment used to guarantee the right to bear arms. Now it guarantees the right to defend yourself in Kenosha from people trying to take your gun away from you because they don’t want to be your next murder victims.

There’s no more Voting Rights Act. Voting is now a privilege. You may have to pay for it — maybe with your life. You could earn a free “I got COVID-19 today” sticker or spend five years in the slammer like Texan Crystal Mason, who got caught voting while Black. Or you can choose an absentee ballot and hope there will still be a post office Nov. 3.

The First Amendment still applies to all white men — sometimes. You can refuse to wear a mask and huddle together indoors, and President Donald Trump won’t invoke “law and order” and call you an “anarchist” and Mayor Ethan Berkowitz “weak” for not deploying the National Guard on you. And you can object to a homeless shelter within five miles of your home without having a cop on your neck — for eight minutes and 46 seconds.

But if you’re white and Black lives matter to you, kiss your white privilege goodbye. You too can be shoved to the ground and land on your head or get shot in the eye with a rubber bullet.

Geoff Kennedy


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