Letters to the Editor

Letter: We need leadership

Parents in Anchorage have had it. We were born here, educated here and outside, and returned to a state that used to be a land of opportunity. Our parents and grandparents built this place to make it so. We took seriously the promise that if we worked hard, this would be a wonderful place to raise our families. We paid our student loans and run businesses, have our kids in public schools, volunteer, pay our taxes, improve our homes, buy local and work to stay healthy and active.

Yet thanks to current municipal and state “leadership,” we don’t have the basic rights once enjoyed in this place. This week in Anchorage, we are actively being discouraged from taking our sick children to the emergency room due to the overwhelming load on our health care system: full of sick, unvaccinated people with COVID-19. If our kids need emergent care at midnight, we are on our own.

At least we have the relief of our schools being open — if only it didn’t feel like a daily gamble. We are at a breaking point and need our leaders — Dave Bronson, Mike Dunleavy — to step up and lead. The future of this place depends on it.

— Rebecca Linford Love


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