Letters to the Editor

Letter: Bar codes for bus riders

If ADN is going to continue to write articles about Anchorage students being dropped off at incorrect locations, the writers should also note that this school year has been abnormal, with driver shortages, routes changing as new drivers were added and routes continuing to change to have kids on time to and from school. They should also get the entire story from ASD, the parents and the schools.

There should also be solutions posed, such as a bar-code system implemented in many other local schools. Children would have their picture, teacher, stop, grade and a bar code on a lanyard. Each time the child got on or off the bus, they would scan the bar code on a reader just inside the bus. This would let the bus drivers, parents and schools know what time and where each child got on or off the bus. Pushing for the district to pay for something like this would help in these situations.

— Shiree Farmer


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