Letters to the Editor

Letter: Missing Texas handshakes

I grew up in South Texas. Left there several times to live and work in several different states, Alaska being the most recent. Been here now for almost 20 years. I’m in my late 50s.

You know what I have noticed from everywhere outside Texas? It is very uncommon that anyone will or can give you a good handshake. People here do not shake your hand to say “Hello” or to say “I’m sorry,” or “forgive me,” or “I understand.” That touch and gesture say a lot without words.

It does not matter how many times I have met you. If it has been a long time in between meetings, I am going to extend my hand. It is just what we Texans do. You can take the boy out of Texas, but you can’t take Texas out of the boy. A good handshake says a lot. A good handshake can solve a lot.

— Eric Olenick


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