Letters to the Editor

Letter: Lucky to have Star

I am responding to the letter to the editor from Aug. 22 regarding Star the Reindeer. I live down the street from Star and consider him a neighbor. I see him twice daily, walking past him to and from work. Star is one of the gems of our downtown. We are lucky to have him.

It’s been my experience that people expressing concerns have never spoken to Star’s owner, Albert Whitehead, to verify anything before putting it out for the public to read. If the person writing the letter to the editor on Aug. 22 had spoken to Albert, I’m sure he would have been able to have any questions he had about Star answered.

Star lives behind an enclosed pen to protect him from humans who want to harm him. He is domesticated and not safe to live in the wild.

Star is a gentle giant, amiable, and should be cherished. I encourage everyone to see him. If you have questions, ask his Papa, Albert Whitehead. I know he would happily answer questions. He loves Star and takes good care of him. Again, we are lucky to have Star; he is such a gem.

— Lorene Romero


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