Letters to the Editor

Letter: Blessed by many hands

On the afternoon of Oct. 27, my son Lincoln, who lives alone, had a stroke, but he was able to use the Siri function on his cellphone to call for help. Medics were there within minutes and transported him to Alaska Regional. The emergency room at Alaska Regional had the situation under control by the time I arrived about 45 minutes later. After receiving a miracle “clot buster” drug, my son was able to move his arm and leg about 4 hours later.

Later, when my son was moved to the intensive care unit, the reality of all of this settled in, and we were overwhelmed by the number of people who were focused and knew just what to do at the right time. Thinking about all the hands and brains it took, from the driver of the rescue unit to the medics to all the people in the ER, to all the people in ICU, and all the people in the progressive care unit, we want to share our profound thank you to each person.

The techs, nurses and doctors at Regional are our heroes. Because of their choice of career, training, and devotion to giving to each individual, my son is alive and well and back to work. I am ready to take a deep breath.

— Eileen Apodaca


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