Letters to the Editor

Letter: Not Trump

It is an election year, and each of us will decide whether to vote and for whom to vote.

I clearly recall the events of Jan. 6, 2021, watching it live on TV. I listened to the speeches made on the Ellipse and I heard the tenor and language of each speech. What I heard disturbed me then and it disturbs me now. I watched a crowd stirred by the speeches storm the Capitol and fight with the police and riot within the Capitol building.

Also, I have to wonder what was discussed and planned in the War Room at Willard Hotel in the days before that led to these actions.

Each of us will make our own value choices as we head into this election season. As for me, I do not know for whom I will vote; however, I know it will not be Donald Trump.

— Michael L. Mott

Eagle River

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