Letters to the Editor

Letter: Required reading

I just added Larry Cohn to my list of ADN contributors not to miss. His recent column about Samuel Alito not living up to his oath was excellent. Local writing talent makes for smart individuals, of which Alaska could use more. Don Mitchell’s well-researched and insightful rants about Alaska outrages, Larry Persily’s deep understanding of Alaska politics, political history and human nature, not to miss mentioning Elise Patkotak, Charles Wohlforth, Tom Kizzia, Jeff Lowenfels, Scott McMurren, Steve Haycox, David Reamer and others are all essential reading for responsible Alaskans.

I understand that newspapers have taken a big hit in the digital age, with the overwhelming move to sound-bite journalism.

ADN’s encouragement of these excellent writers is a great public service. Now you just need to add more Dermot Cole and you might save the world — or at least the Last Frontier.

— John Reese


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