Letters to the Editor

Letter: We need better choices

C’mon Americans — we can do better than these two candidates for president. I am neither a Republican nor Democrat, although I vote in every single election (local, state and federal). I’ve served my country and my community in the military and public service and now continue to serve through a fraternal organization.

It truly amazes me the millions of Americans who choose to back a person who clearly believes in autocratic rule. Donald Trump fits this description to the letter and certainly does not advocate or believe in a democracy. If he did, he wouldn’t trash people in his own party, speak with spiteful, demeaning, derogatory language, and lord over everyone. Simply put, if you don’t agree with him, he will do everything in his power to destroy you or whatever it is until you or the issue does not exist. There is zero compromise in his briefcase.

And Democrats — please, Joe Biden is done. His health is clearly failing and his fitness to continue another four years is suspect at best. Both parties had candidates who were initially in the race but were either squashed out or totally disregarded. Here’s a challenge for many Republicans specifically: Look up and educate yourselves on what the Libertarian Party represents and its values. You may actually find you are more aligned with them than Republicans. I’ve stated this before in a previous letter: 300 million people in our country and this is the best both parties can put forward? I believe there were very qualified people earlier in this process and we need to reconsider our choices. Trump and Biden are not the ones.

— Don Tallman

Eagle River

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