Alaska News

Palin email dump yields found poems

A Tuesday press release from, a publisher specializing in ebooks that can be read in a single sitting, announces the publication of Michael Solomon's "I Hope Like Heck: The selected poems of Sarah Palin."

Despite the subtitle, Palin didn't actually write the poems. They come straight from the massive mid-June public records release of Palin-administration emails. Solomon, an editor and humorist, rearranged selected sentences from the state document dump into a group of 50 untreated found poems.

The slim volume's title comes from an email in which Palin expresses hope that the Alaska Legislature would "chop" money out of the state budget for the infamous Gravina Island bridge so that she wouldn't have to.

The Daily Beast has posted a lengthy excerpt, here. And if that's not enough facetious, po-mo doggerel for you, you can learn how to buy the full title online from Byliner, here.