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Video: Sled Dog Sanctuary

Sometimes, Raven Vinter prefers not to know where the sled dogs come from.

When a rescued animal arrives at the Sled Dog Sanctuary, Vinter's 40-acre property south of Talkeetna, each dog is given a new name. That way, it's less likely the dog will be recognized in Alaska's relatively small mushing community. With past names and associations washed away, Vinter focuses instead on giving the dog a fresh start.

Touring her property just off the Parks Highway, Vinter, originally from California, explained how she ended up living amid dozens of sled dogs in the Alaska wilderness.

"I always wanted to help and make an impact," Vinter said. That desire has culminated in the 39-year-old dedicating her livelihood to rehabilitating Alaska's abandoned huskies.

READ MORE: Alaska's sled dog sanctuary