Candidates Forrest Dunbar and Dave Bronson face each other in the runoff for Anchorage mayor. Ballots have already been sent out, and runoff election day is May 11.
The Daily News conducted separate video interviews with Dunbar and Bronson on April 27, asking a series of questions on issues important to Anchorage’s future and topics that have emerged in the course of the campaign.
Both candidates were asked the same questions in the same order, and they were given up to 2 minutes to respond. See how they both responded to each question below.
Bronson and Dunbar also responded to a Daily News Q&A before the runoff. You can read their responses to the earlier Q&A here.
[How to make sure your vote is counted in the Anchorage mayoral runoff]
1. Do you think Anchorage is moving in the right direction? Why or why not?
2. Describe your approach to improving homelessness in Anchorage. What are some solutions you would pursue as mayor?
[Proposed change to Anchorage land use code becomes focus of debate over future of homeless shelters]
3. What is your plan to manage the COVID-19 pandemic in Anchorage? Give some specifics.
[Anchorage Assembly removes COVID-19 requirements for businesses and gatherings effective Monday]
4. How would you manage a COVID-19 surge in Anchorage?
5. What steps, if any, would you take to revitalize downtown Anchorage?
[Alaska monthly job numbers remain down as pandemic toll continues]
6. What is your vision for Anchorage’s future economy?
7. National tensions have risen around policing and racism. What would you do as mayor, if anything, to improve or change the Anchorage Police Department’s relationship with the city’s communities?
[Previous coverage: Anchorage voters will decide whether to fund body cameras for police. Here are questions and answers about Proposition 4.]
[Anchorage police union will not endorse a candidate for mayor]
8. How do you distinguish yourself from your opponent on religious freedom and LGBTQ protections?
9. Last summer, the Assembly banned so-called conversion therapy in Anchorage. Is that ordinance a policy you support? Why or why not?
[Previous coverage: Anchorage Assembly bans ‘conversion therapy’ on minors]