Letters to the Editor

Letter: Facts exist

Jim Gill’s analogy about Americans being uninformed jurors based on facts they receive from the mainstream media highlights the worry that most of us have that many of our citizens are getting their news from sources that just make stuff up.

I am glad that Mr. Gill finds solace in the testimonial beliefs of John Solomon, Dan Bongino and Mark Levin. But these men are not reporters and their claims have continually been found to be false by reputable fact-checkers.

We are living in a time when there are forces, domestic and foreign, who stand to benefit from the degradation and devaluation of the amazing, substantiated work most journalists perform on a daily basis. There are such things as “facts” and the dedicated women and men of the “fourth estate” inform us about every day that help us form our responses to the complex world in which we live.

I have never been so grateful for fact-based journalism as I am today. Long may it live and prosper — all the better to preserve and defend our democratic republic.

— Bob Martin

Eagle River

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