Letters to the Editor

Letter: On primaries

Regarding Lesil McGuire and Jeremy Gruber’s commentary, “Let’s restore Alaska’s tradition of open primary elections,” published Jan. 14 in the ADN: Perhaps the authors are looking for a solution without a problem.

I agree that we are Alaskans more than we are Republicans, Democrats, or independents. Most of us, whichever party — or none — we identify with, probably agree on political issues more than we disagree. As I recall, during the original Alaska primary elections, Republicans noticed that Democrats were crossing over to vote for apparent weaker Republican candidates hoping the weaker candidate would reach the general election. To solve the problem, Republicans voted to close their primary elections. That is what Republicans wanted — what they voted for.

During the general elections, of course, Republicans, Democrats or independents can vote for whomever they prefer. Our politicians have to learn that in most cases, some type of compromise will result in good or even excellent legislation.

— Doug Bartko


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